• PRT module malnutrition

    Automated malnutrition screening

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  • PRT module malnutritionAutomated malnutrition screeningInform now

PRT module malnutrition

Automated screening of malnutrition

Automated screening for malnutrition

Malnutrition is present in around 20-60% of hospitalized patients. It often causes complex pathophysiological changes that significantly increase the risk of surgical interventions, severe drug therapies or certain diseases and can also significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life.

Due to the considerable effects of malnutrition, it is of great importance to take preventive measures in the best possible way.

Malnutrition | The problem

Malnutrition can result in impaired immune function, impaired wound healing and delayed recovery.

The increased complication rates are associated with longer hospital stays and more frequent readmissions and are therefore also a serious economic factor.

Studies have shown that malnourished patients have a 40% longer hospital stay and treatment costs are up to 20% higher.

Existing screenings are often not filled

Manual malnutrition screening has therefore been carried out (almost) across the board in hospitals for years.

In many cases, this additional documentation effort means that the screening is only partially completed or not completed at all and there is therefore no assessment of the patient’s nutritional status. Incomplete completion of the existing tools (e.g. MNA, MUST or NRS) for screening malnutrition results in massive disadvantages for patients

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