Privacy policy and information pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 GDPR


PH Predicting Health GmbHRuckerlberggasse 138010 Graz



Data protection officer within the meaning of the GDPR: Michael Schrempf Contact: If you contact us using the form on the website or by email, the data you provide will be stored by us for six months for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We will not pass on this data without your consent.


Data is collected and used for analysis purposes. This data processing is not personal (see information on cookies below).


When registering, the user's e-mail address and a password are saved. If a purchase is subsequently made, the e-mail address is linked to the data determined during the purchase process. The data you provide is required to set up the user account. The data processing takes place for the duration of the existence of the user account. If the user account is deleted, the e-mail address and password as well as the link to the purchase transaction data will be deleted. IT security When you visit this website, log files are also stored which contain the IP address and other data on access to the website (e.g. date, time, user agent, referrer). Data processing takes place for a limited period (maximum 30 days) and only to protect against DDOS attacks or other interventions in the functionality of the website and any underlying database systems. Information on cookies This website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your end device with the help of the browser. They do not cause any damage.
Session cookies are used on this website. These are generated when you access the website and are automatically deleted again. They are used to recognize you when you visit the same website again within a short period of time in order to take into account the settings you have already made. No personal data is stored or processed in the process. The purpose of cookies is to make the website user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. They therefore enable the website operator to recognize your browser the next time you visit. If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases. If cookies are deactivated, however, the functionality of the website may be restricted.

IT Security

Beim Besuch dieser Website werden darüber hinaus Logfiles gespeichert, welche die IP-Adresse und sonstige Daten zum Zugriff auf die Website enthalten (z. B. Datum, Uhrzeit, User Agent, Referer). Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt befristet (maximal 30 Tage) und nur zur Absicherung vor DDOS Attacken oder sonstigen Eingriffen in die Funktionalität der Website sowie der allenfalls dahinterliegenden Datenbanksysteme. IT-Sicherheit Beim Besuch dieser Website werden darüber hinaus Logfiles gespeichert, welche die IP-Adresse und sonstige Daten zum Zugriff auf die Website enthalten (z. B. Datum, Uhrzeit, User Agent, Referer). Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt befristet (maximal 30 Tage) und nur zur Absicherung vor DDOS Attacken oder sonstigen Eingriffen in die Funktionalität der Website sowie der allenfalls dahinterliegenden Datenbanksysteme. Informationen zu Cookies Diese Website verwendet so genannte Cookies. Dabei handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, die mit Hilfe des Browsers auf Ihrem Endgerät abgelegt werden. Sie richten keinen Schaden an.
Auf dieser Seite werden sogenannte Session Cookies verwendet. Diese werden beim Aufruf der Website generiert und automatisch wieder gelöscht. Sie dienen der Wiedererkennung, wenn Sie innerhalb kurzer Zeit dieselbe Website erneut aufrufen, um bereits getätigte Voreinstellungen erneut zu berücksichtigen. Es werden dabei keinerlei personenbezogene Daten gespeichert oder verarbeitet. Cookies haben den Zweck, das Website-Angebot nutzerfreundlich zu gestalten. Einige Cookies bleiben auf Ihrem Endgerät gespeichert, bis Sie diese löschen. Sie ermöglichen es sohin dem Websitebetreiber, Ihren Browser beim nächsten Besuch wiederzuerkennen. Wenn Sie dies nicht wünschen, so können Sie Ihren Browser so einrichten, dass er Sie über das Setzen von Cookies informiert und Sie dies nur im Einzelfall erlauben. Bei der Deaktivierung von Cookies kann die Funktionalität der Website jedoch eingeschränkt sein.


This website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your end device with the help of the browser. They do not cause any damage.
Session cookies are used on this website. These are generated when you access the website and are automatically deleted again. They are used to recognize you when you visit the same website again within a short period of time in order to take into account the settings you have already made. No personal data is stored or processed in the process. The purpose of cookies is to make the website user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. They enable the website operator to recognize your browser the next time you visit. If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases. If cookies are deactivated, however, the functionality of the website may be restricted. When you visit this website, log files are also stored which contain the IP address and other data on access to the website (e.g. date, time, user agent, referrer). Data processing takes place for a limited period (maximum 30 days) and only to protect against DDOS attacks or other interventions in the functionality of the website and any underlying database systems.Informationen zu Cookies This website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your end device with the help of the browser. They do not cause any damage.
Session cookies are used on this website. These are generated when you access the website and are automatically deleted again. They are used to recognize you when you visit the same website again within a short period of time in order to take into account the settings you have already made. No personal data is stored or processed in the process. The purpose of cookies is to make the website user-friendly. Some cookies remain stored on your end device until you delete them. They enable the website operator to recognize your browser the next time you visit. If you do not want this, you can set up your browser so that it informs you about the setting of cookies and you only allow this in individual cases. If cookies are deactivated, however, the functionality of the website may be restricted.

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. We use the function "Activation of IP anonymization" on this website. This means that your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area before processing/storage. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to measure the campaign performance of online advertising for analysis and optimization purposes. The data processed includes, in particular, online identifiers (including cookie identifiers), Internet protocol addresses, device identifiers, location data, identifiers assigned by the customer and user data (in particular time and duration of access, selection of certain offers, etc.). You can find more information about how Google Analytics handles user data in Google's privacy policy, available at com/privacy?hl=de. You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: Instructions on how you can also prevent Google from storing data can be found at the following link: When using Google Analytics, the relationship with the web analytics provider is based on commissioned data processing. The transfer of data to the processor is based on an adequacy decision by the European Commission (self-certification Privacy Shield). The data is deleted regularly (currently every 26 months).

Google Ads

This website uses the online advertising program “Google AdWords” and conversion tracking as part of Google AdWords. Google Conversion Tracking is an analysis service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”). If you click on an ad placed by Google, a cookie for conversion tracking will be stored on your computer. These cookies lose their validity after a maximum of 90 days. If you visit certain pages on our website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and the website operator can recognize that you clicked on the ad and were redirected to this page. The information collected using the conversion cookie is used to create conversion statistics. Here, the website operator learns the total number of users who clicked on an ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag and/or carried out various actions on the page. However, the website operator does not receive any information that can be used to personally identify users. If you do not want to take part in tracking, you can object to this use by preventing the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly (deactivation option). You will then not be included in the conversion tracking statistics. Further information and Google's privacy policy can be found at: , When using Google Adwords conversion tracking, the relationship with the web analysis provider is based on order data processing. The transfer of data to the processor is based on an adequacy decision by the European Commission (Privacy Shield self-certification). Google is also obliged to delete the data regularly (currently every 39 months).

Social media

The plugins establish a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook servers. This only happens after the plugin has been activated. The website operator has no influence whatsoever on the nature and extent of the data that the plugin transmits to the Facebook Inc. servers. You can find information about this here: The plugin informs Facebook Inc. that you as a user have visited this website. There is a possibility that your IP address will be saved. If you are logged into your Facebook account while visiting this website, the information provided will be linked to it. The plugins establish a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook servers. This only happens after the plugin has been activated. The website operator has no influence whatsoever on the nature and extent of the data that the plugin transmits to the Facebook Inc. servers. You can find information about this here: The plugin informs Facebook Inc. that you as a user have visited this website. There is a possibility that your IP address will be saved. If you are logged into your Facebook account while visiting this website, the information mentioned will be linked to it.

Legal basis:

If Facebook social plugins are used on this website, they are operated by Facebook Inc. (1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA). The integration can be recognized by the Facebook logo or by the terms “Like”, “Like”, “Share” in the colors of Facebook (blue and white). Information about all Facebook plugins can be found in the following link: The plugins are only activated when you click on the corresponding buttons. If these are displayed grayed out, the plugins are inactive. You have the option to activate the plugins with each visit. Data on the website is processed exclusively on the basis of legal provisions (GDPR, TKG 2003). Data processing (web shop, product reviews, booking tool and user account) is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b) (contract fulfillment purposes) GDPR. If analysis tools are used, the data is used on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit f) (legitimate interest) GDPR. The legitimate interest in using data is to improve the website and measure the success of online advertising. The use of IT data security measures is also based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit f) (legitimate interest) GDPR. The legitimate interest in using data is to secure your own IT systems. The use of social media plugins only takes place with your consent. The legal basis is therefore Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a) GDPR. Consent must be given again each time the website is accessed. Your rights In principle, you have the rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can complain to the supervisory authority. In Austria this is the data protection authority.